Friday, January 20, 2012

Staff News Letter Jan. 23-27

I hope you all had a chance to read the Superintendent’s message.   I have always appreciated his positive uplifting attitude.  Just in case you didn’t read it, I have pasted it below.  Even if you have read it, it would be worth a reread.  We all have days when things are challenging and difficult, however, our approach to them can make all the difference in the world as it relates to how happy we are, and how we affect those around us.  Life passes by too quickly to not take hold and enjoy each day.  Each day is irreplaceable, and I hope we all take a little time to have a positive impact our students and those who are around us.  I love being here and love what you do for your students and for each other, even with the occasional mischief that happens at East Elementary.           

Superintendents Message
Dare to be Happy
In his book, DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF, Richard Carlson points out that many people don't allow themselves the luxury of being enthusiastic, light-hearted, inspired, relaxed, or happy -- especially at work.  They assume that individuals must be miserable if they are going to be productive.  In teaching, as well as other professions, the opposite it true.  Students are enthusiastic and excited to learn if their teacher is enthusiastic and excited to teach.
We should love what we do...  People who love what they do are highly motivated by their own enthusiasm to continually better themselves and their performance.  They are good listeners and have a sharp learning curve. in addition, happy teachers are highly creative, charismatic, easy to be around, and good team players.  Unhappy teachers, on the other hand, are often held back by their own misery or stress, which distracts them from success.  Rigid, stressed-out people are a drag to be around and difficult to work with.  They are the ones who lack motivation because they are so consumed with their own problems, lack of time, and stress.
We all have our days...  Believe me, I understand that everyone has a bad day or two...  But....  having gone through some very difficult times myself,  I know from my own experience that attitude is everything...  Our outlook on life can get us through the tough times and create lights at the end of the tunnel.  Sometimes we have to FAKE IT UNTIL WE MAKE IT, but we will make it...  And making it with enthusiasm and a zest for life is the best way to go! (Jim Johnson)
Have an incredible weekend!

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