Friday, March 7, 2014

Staff News

I want to thank all of you for your extra time and hard work that went along with SEP week.  I know how long SEP weeks are, so thank you so much.  Along with the SEP Week, I will be sending out a Google Doc to collect all of the survey information collected from our 3-5th grades.  I will be sending out information today for grades 3-5 on how to take the student surveys in the computer lab via the link on our web page.

I received a lot of positive feedback this week from parents that were extremely happy with what they have seen at East Elementary.  Thanks for doing what you do.

As I have mentioned to several of you, I am excited to unveil the Lunch Room Technology Extravaganza Management System.  It just gives me goose bumps.  We will be using the Class Dojo app to project points earned on the wall of the cafeteria.  It may take a little time to work through the bugs, but each class will be able to earn or loose points based on lunchroom behavior.  At the end of each month, classes who earn an average of 3 points a day will earn 10 to 15 minutes of extra recess.  I am still working out the points required. 

Thought: “The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.”  John Ruskin

You all deserve to have a fantastic weekend! 

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